The Right Way to Use a Table Saw

You might need a table saw for your project, but you should know how to use it properly in order to stay safe. This kind of tool is useful, but it can be dangerous as well. Watch this video on the right way to use a table saw.

When you’re using a table saw, the first step is to set up the fence that will guide your cut. Set your blade height so that it’s just higher than the thickness of the wood that you’ll be cutting, and then measure the gap between the fence and the blade. If the fence is parallel with the blade, you can put on your safety equipment and use a push stick to start your cut.

Don’t forget to call A Tool Shed Rentals at 1-800-286-6574 whenever you’re looking for equipment for rent in San Jose . Our tool rentals include jackhammers, tractors, and car tools.